What Are You Looking At?

What Are You Looking At?
Ronnie stares out the camera - and wins!

Thursday, 29 November 2007

Strange Dog Day

Strange dog Ronnie the Yorkie cross is still very much around and acting the deranged lunatic at every opportunity.

He's such a strange dog in every sense of the phrase! We often change the route of our regular early morning walk, just to see if he's on the ball and knows where he's going. Oh, yes, he certainly does!

No matter how I try to trick him into thinking he's going along a different road, he'll find some familiar smell even if we haven't passed that way for a few weeks!

But his greatest feats of foolishness come as we pass the homes of other dogs.

Small ones are no problem, but big dogs with even bigger barks get the poor little chap all in a fluster and he scrabbles around just wanting to get the hell outta there!

All good fun!

Strange Dog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.

Ronnie"s Duck

Ronnie"s Duck
...or is it a pillow?

Ronnie & Daisy

Ronnie & Daisy
Brother & Sister? Not Quite!