What Are You Looking At?

What Are You Looking At?
Ronnie stares out the camera - and wins!

Sunday, 25 March 2007

Ronnie's Got a Funny Tummy!

Oh dear! Poor Ronnie's gone down with a dose of the yorkie belly gurgles.

He's been mooching around all day making strange glooping sounds and not very happy with himself. It started yesterday and I suspect it might have something to do with his eating all that broccoli the evening before.

Ronnie likes raw broccoli stalks.

He always hangs around in the kitchen while I'm preparing the evening meal and I usually throw him a stalk which he crunches up with great gusto. Then he waits for the next bit. Daisy, our other yorkie hangs around for it too, but she doen't eat so much before getting bored and going to beg at the door to the utility room where we stash the infinitely more interesting doggy snacks. Interesting to her, anyway.

Ronnie is a different story. Well, he is strange! He'd rather eat broccoli stalks than those nice doggy snacks. But he was a little too enthusiastic and ate Daisy's broccoli stalks that she left lying around the floor - more than was probably good for him. Hence his gurgly tum!

He's a bit better now, though. He just ate his food and no doubt will be back to the usual mad half hour running around the house like a lunatic that was sorely missed last night!

It's only a short story today as it's getting late already and will soon be time to go to bed. That's if Ronnie hasn't left us a little present to clean up somewhere...

Come back again soon!

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