What Are You Looking At?

What Are You Looking At?
Ronnie stares out the camera - and wins!

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Strange Dog Ronnie

Just so to keep this little blog alive and kicking, here is a short but sweet post about our little friend, Ronnie the strange dog.

Why is he such a strange dog? Who knows...

Ronnie the strange dog is very much still as odd as ever and still gets up to his old weird tricks and antics which makes him one special little guy!

See more of Mr Ronnie, the strange dog over at his very own Squidoo lens at Strange Dog and also see a lot more of him at my main doggy website and blog at For Dogs

Gotta love the little guy!

Strange Dog

Ronnie"s Duck

Ronnie"s Duck
...or is it a pillow?

Ronnie & Daisy

Ronnie & Daisy
Brother & Sister? Not Quite!