What Are You Looking At?

What Are You Looking At?
Ronnie stares out the camera - and wins!

Thursday, 30 August 2007

He's Still Here!

Yep, Ronnie is still here - he never really went away. His blogger just got so busy with other things he neglected Ronnie's blog for a while.

Today Ronnie and Daisy went to the vet to have their annual jabs and they were not happy!

In the small room (for small dogs!), Daisy was up on the table getting her jab and Ronnie was jumping up trying to protect her. He's such a loyal dog!

When it came to his turn to have his jab, he took it well, but Daisy just sniffed around the room totally oblivious to the poor chap up on the table!

When that came home, they were both subdued for the rest of the day, which is probably a normal reaction to a stressful morning.

That's it for now!

Ronnie"s Duck

Ronnie"s Duck
...or is it a pillow?

Ronnie & Daisy

Ronnie & Daisy
Brother & Sister? Not Quite!